Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale

The National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) is a public research institution, monitored by the Ministry of University and Research - MUR, which operates internationally in the field of physical, chemical, biological and geological oceanography, experimental and exploration geophysics, seismology and engineering seismology. Its expertise is applied in the field of earth, sea and polar sciences to contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and to solve environmental, economic and social problems. The main activities undertaken are research, development and technology transfer projects for the benefit of the territory, with particular focus towards issues related to major global challenges. The strategy pursued by the institute aims at a close integration between research, innovation/technology transfer and training/dissemination activities, as well as a synergy between the different research funding instruments. The institute plays an important and leading role in the Italian and international research system. It contributes to the technological and socio-economic development of the country and ensures the acquisition and exchange of the most advanced knowledge and technologies at a global level, at the same time enabling their positive impact and outcome on local territories, in a "global" approach.

Concerning CCUS, since 2004 OGS has taken a leading role in 13 EU projects and has been the coordinator of several national projects, aiming for the identification and characterization of potential sites for CO2 storage; sensitivity analysis of seismic and electrical properties to CO2 saturation; cross-well, single-well, VSP and surface geophysical monitoring; remote sensing; impact assessment on CO2 on marine ecosystem; research infrastructures.

OGS holds the General Secretariat of CO2GeoNet, is member of the Italian delegation to CSLF (Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum), and of EERA (European Energy Research Alliance) CCS and EERA Geothermal. In 2017, OGS has been nominated by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research as the Italian representing entity of ECCSEL ERIC and hosts the Italian National Node of the infrastructure, which is composed of a total of 16 facilities, of which 7 are owned and operated by OGS:

  • Panarea NatLab-Italy - Natural offshore laboratory, with multidisciplinary laboratories and technologically advanced scientific instruments (Panarea, Aeolian Islands)
  • Latera NatLab-Italy - Natural onshore laboratory, with logistic base and fixed and mobile instrumentation for the detection of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses (Latera, VT)
  • DeepLab - Versatile platform used for in situ measurements on the seabed
  • Aircraft - Aircraft with forefront instrumentation for remote sensing activities aimed at environmental characterization
  • BioMarineLab - Marine Ecology Laboratory for experiments in micro- and mesocosm (Trieste)
  • PITOP - Site with wells for geophysical (well-log) tests (Travesio, PN)
  • CTMO - Oceanographic Calibration and Metrology Centre (Trieste)

All these facilities, related to geological storage, are widely used to boost cooperation and mobility of people and ideas and bring together the best European and worldwide scientists to strengthen their skills, enhance their career development and create a network of potential future leaders. In addition, at national level, OGS is leading the projects PON-IPANEMA and CIR-IPANEMA HR, focused on the implementation of the Panarea NatLab and CTMO ECCSEL facilities, as well as the ECCSELLENT project (16.5 million euros, funded by the Italian Plan for Recovery and Resilience ), launched in November 2022, which aims to modernize and expand most of the Italian facilities that are part of ECCSEL ERIC and to develop the Italian node to promote the development and internationalization of Italian research on CCUS.

Providing access to

DeepLab (IT1.8)

DeepLab Sea Floor Landers for meteooceanographic physical and geochemical data collection

BioMarineLab (IT1.2)

Ecological laboratory for microcosm / mesocosm experiments

Panarea NatLab (IT1.3)

Panarea Natural Laboratory

Research AIRCRAFT (IT1.1)

Research AIRCRAFT equipped with high-tech remote sensing instruments


PITOP Borehole Geophysical Test Site

Latera NatLab (IT1.4)

Latera Natural laboratory

CTMO (IT1.7)

Marine metrology and calibration facility