Institute for Energy Technology

The Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) is an independent foundation and one of the world’s foremost research communities on energy, located in Halden and Kjeller in Norway. IFE has developed unique skills over 70 years with world-leading researchers and outstanding international projects in their reactors and laboratories.

Their research reactors have led to better nuclear safety in neighbouring countries and around the world, and are also key in leading research on energy and materials in Norway. IFE looks into materials in new ways. They develop and produce cancer medicine. IFE is also far ahead in the pursuit of next-generation battery technology and contributes to better solar, wind and hydrogen solutions. Offshore, IFE has have developed low-emission petroleum technology and advanced digital solutions for management, security and communication.

The knowledge, innovation and development at IFE has created hundreds of billion NOK in values ​​for Norway and improved safety, environment and climate both at home and abroad.

When the next chapter in Norway’s story is to be written, it will be about how we convert. It has always been the great strength of IFE. IFE will continue to bridge the gap between research, education and industrial enterprises. It will continue to research – for a sustainable future.

Providing access to

GeoChem (NO4.1)

Geochemistry Labs at IFE


Flow Assurance Loop for CO2 transport in pipelines