The report 'Global CCU Infrastructure Market Assessment' has been published. This report provides a high-level mapping of Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) technologies and is a deliverable of the ECCSELERATE work package 'ECCSEL ERIC research strategy and services model development'. A set of sustainability criteria for use when evaluating CCU-based value chains is proposed in this report.
CO2 can be used directly in several ways, for example as a solvent, as a refrigerant, or for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) applications. CO2 can be chemically converted to a very broad range of carbon-products. The carbon-products studied in this report are divided into commodity chemicals and polymers, fuels, and solid carbonates. Different CO2 utilisation products and pathways are looked at more closely.
Lastly, the report briefly presents a series of case studies for CCU technologies that have reached a high level of maturity, have been demonstrated at an industrially relevant scale and/or are in the process of being commercialised.
Read the complete report here.
This report is part of the ECCSELERATE project funded by Horizon 2020, Grant Agreement (GA) No. 871143.