The ZEISS XRadia 410 Versa delivers non-destructive 3D Computed Tomography imaging with sub-micron resolution, high quality contrast, and in situ capabilities, for a wide range of sample sizes. The XRadia 410 Versa therefore bridges the gap between high-performing X-ray microscopes and less powerful, lower-cost computed tomography (CT) systems.
The facility consists of a high energy X-ray source (40-150kV, max. 10W), an ultra-high precision 8 degrees of freedom sample stage (max. capacity 15 kg), a detector turret with a set of optical lenses with a range of magnifications (0.4 to 40) and a digital camera. The spatial resolution of images is 0.9 m and the minimum achievable voxel size 100 nm. All components are placed in a single enclosure that fully protects the environment from X-rays.
XRadia Versa 410 delivers flexible, high contrast imaging for even the most challenging materials—low atomic number (low Z) materials, soft tissue, polymers, fossilized organisms encased in amber, and other materials of low contrast. It employs proprietary Enhanced Absorption Contrast Detectors that achieve superior contrast by maximizing collection of low energy photons while minimizing collection of contrast-reducing high energy photons. In addition, Tunable Propagation Phase Contrast measures the refraction of X-ray photons at material transitions to allow visualization of features displaying little or no contrast during absorption imaging.
In Aberdeen X-Ray Tomography Lab the facility is used primarily for measuring pore-scale properties of porous media, generating input data for digital rock models and investigating microscopic behaviour of materials uner loading.
The XRadia patented technology allows high-resolution scanning without the need to reduce the sample size. It is a non-destructive method of producing high-resolution 3D models of pore space geometry and hence is ideally suited for digital rock modelling.
Located in the OGAS Lab, on the main University of Aberdeen campus with its infrastructure and services. Use can be integrated with onsite micro and nano material analysis of rock cores (see associated facility bid)