Studying the reactivity and stability of phases in fluid-mineral-solution-gas-organic-matter systems requires the application of geochemical techniques. For this, GeoRessources provides a set of hot- and cold-joint autoclaves for sampling under controlled pressure and redox conditions. Experiments are performed in batch-type reactors of various sizes: welded gold cells and stainless-steel and titanium chambers (with or without sapphire windows) equipped for in situ Raman and pH measurement. A secure laboratory is available for experiments using hazardous gases (SOx, NOx, H2, H2S, CO). Specific autoclaves (IMAGES, MIRAGES, COTAGES) have been designed for gas-injection applications with flow and thermal-gradient controls. Miniaturisation has enabled us to develop microchemistry capillary techniques which allow us to control volumes, pressures and temperature for the measurement of chemical solubility, kinetics and reactivity at the micrometric scale.
Main applications :
Geological storage of acid gases ;
Storage of radioactive waste ;
Petroleum generation through artificial maturation of the source-rock;
Petroleum thermal stability ;
Transfer of metallic elements in the Earth’s crust.
The devices IMAGES, MIRAGES (1 and 2), COTAGES and some specificities for silica capillaries were specifically designed for CO2 storage applications to answer to scientific questions on fluid/rock/materials system reactivity submitted to geological conditions of pressure and temperature. They allow to reach high pressure and high temperatures related to deep geological storage. The possibility to handle hazardous gases (SOx, NOx, H2S…) under such geological conditions is also to mention. Notice that the MIRAGES device mimics an injection well at a 1/20 scale. The possibility to follow chemical parameters such as pH or concentrations of molecular species by Raman spectrometer under high pressure and high temperature is given by MIRAGES and IMAGES devices. COTAGES allow to follow the influence of a thermal gradient under pressure on a 70 cm lengt horizontal column.
SEM, EPMA, Raman and IR, LA-ICPMS, XRD, mirco-XRF, liquid and gas chromatography, lab for thin and polished sections, CT scan, cathodoluminescence, SIMS, mass spectrometry (stable and radiogenic isotopes)