Kolbjørn Heies vei 1D. Trondheim, Norway






Viscosity and density apparatus

The viscosity facility has been designed for very high accuracy and uniformity in temperature, pressure, and composition implying careful design and advanced instrumentation. The infrastructure is unique due to its particular adaptation to CCS applications, and is qualified for corrosive, toxic, and explosive mixtures. The setup is utilizing a two-capillary design, with a design range between −60 and 150 °C in temperature and up to 800 bar in pressure. Except for in the immediate surroundings of the critical point, the setup is designed for an accuracy of the order of 0.1 % in viscosity and pressure, and 10 mK in temperature. Thermal stability and uniformity are achieved through the use of highly accurate thermostatic baths. In order to get full benefit of the viscosity measurements, it is important to measure density of the same mixtures under identical conditions such that both kinematic and dynamic viscosities are found. Hence, an Anton Paar oscillating tube densimeter is connected to the viscometer, which can be used down to -10 °C.

State of the Art, uniqueness & specific advantages

The facility can measure viscosity with very high accuracy, and it is particularly useful for liquid CO2 mixtures where currently very little data is available.

Scientific Environment

The facility is located in the thermal laboratories of NTNU/SINTEF with its available infrastructures and services. Specifically, it could be a great advantage to utilize the ECCSEL TA8.3 CO2Mix setup for accurate gravimetric preparation of CO2-rich mixtures. The facility is also directly adjacent to the offices of leading scientists in the field of SINTEF and NTNU. Further advanced facilities for property measurements are constructed in the same room.

Operating by

SINTEF Energy Research

SINTEF Energy Research
CAPTURE technologies:
Membranes, Solvents, Sorbents, Systems, Cryogenic
TRANSPORT technologies:
Fluid characterisation, Flow Characterisation, CO2 pipeline transport and integrity, Shipping of CO2
UTILISATION technologies:
Smart integrations with carbon capture and re-use into valuable products, The importance of viscosity and density is dependent on the individual characteristics of the process
STORAGE technologies:
Pressure/injection, Migration, Caprock/well integrity, Leakage mitigation/remediation, Leakage, Static modelling, Dynamic modelling
Research Fields:
fluid transport properties, Fluid dynamics, Modelling, Physical processes, Thermodynamics
Facility's fact sheet

Location & Contacts

Kolbjørn Heies vei 1D. Trondheim, Norway
Chiara Caccamo
RICC Contacts - Secondary contact
Yessica Arellano

Facility Availability

Unit of access (UA)
Availability per year (in UA)
6 months
Duration of a typical access (average) and number of external users expected for that access
4-6 months. Minimum 1 month. Short access has to be fully supervised. 1 operator needed.

Quality Control / Quality Assurance (QA)

Activities / tests / data are
Controlled: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001

Operational or other constraints

Specific risks:
Risk is dependent on mixtures and test conditions, but it is minimized by appropriate measures according to SINTEF's HSE system. For particularly demanding measurements, developing appropriate procedures and / or installation of physical safety installation may increase the preparation time and/or costs of the experiments.
Legal issues
Access to the labs of SINTEF Energy Research is dependent on compliance to all relevant procedures and policies of the institute relating to HSE and protection of the intellectual property. Independent use of facilities will be dependent on individual approval as an operator by the SINTEF Energy Research following training.

CCUS Projects

EU-Funded CCUS Projects
Other CCUS Projects
Center for environmentally-friendly research (FME)

Selected Publications

#SINTEFblog (2019)
ImpreCCS: Lower CCS cost and risk through better CO2 viscosity and thermal conductivity knowledge
S. W. Løvseth
SINTEF Academic Press, SINTEF Proceedings;7 (2021)
A New Facility on Accurate Viscosity and Density Measurements
Khosravi, Bahareh; Løvseth, Sigurd W.; Austegard, Anders; Einen, Caroline; Stang, H. G.Jacob; Snustad, Ingrid; Jakobsen, Jana P.; Rekstad, Håvard