ECCSEL ERIC member countries


The French Geological Survey (BRGM) is the coordinator of the French node of ECCSEL. The French node is composed of 6 research institutes (BRGM, IFPEN, INERIS, Andra, CNRS, ARMINES) and three industrial companies (EDF, TotalEnergies, Lafarge France).

Node responsible: Sébastien Dupraz, BRGM



The National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) is the coordinator of the Italian node. The Italian node is composed of 5 partners (OGS, Sotacarbo, ENEA, University of Bologna – DICAM, LEAP, ITAE, CNR - STEMS).

Node responsible: Cinzia de Vittor, OGS


The Netherlands

The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) is the coordinator of the Dutch node. TNO is an independent research organisation and is the leading research institute in The Netherlands on CCUS.

Node responsible: Soledad van Eijk, TNO



The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is the coordinator of the Norwegian node. The Norwegian node is composed of 4 research institutes (NTNU, SINTEF, NORSAR, SINTEF Energy, IFE).

Node responsible: Morten Grønli, NTNU


United Kingdom

British Geological Survey (BGS) is the coordinator of the British node. The British node is composed of 8 partners (BGS, TERC, University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University, University of Aberdeen, University of Strathclyde, TÜV SÜD NEL, Altrad Babcock LTD).

Node responsible: Helen Taylor-Curran, BGS