Below is a list of other ongoing projects.
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Below is a list of other ongoing projects.
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RItrainPlus (Research Infrastructure Training Plus) is an EU Horizon 2020 project which will design and deliver a training programme to fulfill the competency requirements for the current and future managers of European Research Infrastructures and Core Facilities. ECCSEL ERIC will actively contribute in the following WPs and tasks:
Overall, the project aims to communicate for a wide range of stakeholders to share the wealth of knowledge and best practices for the mutual benefit of the European Research Infrastructures and Core Facilities.
StoRIES (Storage Research Infrastructure Ecosystem) is a European Green Deal project which brings a consortium of 30 beneficiaries from 15 countries to jointly improve the economic performance of storage technologies. The main objectives of StoRIES are linked to the energy storage development by providing access to world-class research infrastructures and services. StoRIES will establish an ecosystem with international peer partners from research and industry to foster open science and promote new energy technology standards.
StoRIES ambites to:
ECCSEL ERIC will contribute to:
Geo-INQUIRE (Geosphere INfrastructures for QUestions into Integrated REsearch) is funded by Horizon Europe and will run from 2022-2026. Modern scientific endeavours already have the capacity to call upon a vast variety of data, often in huge volumes. However, the challenge is not only how to make the most of such a resource, but also how to make it available to the wider scientific community, especially when encouraging curiosity-driven research. The Geo-INQUIRE project will do so by enhancing, giving access to, and making interoperable key datasets. Geo-INQUIRE will support access to new observables from emerging technologies, access to a new generation of models in the field of geohazards and georesources, as well as the training of researchers to exploit these new data, models, and computing platforms.
The following ECCSEL ERIC facilities are part of Geo-INQUIRE: CATLAB (INERIS), PITOP Borehole Geophysical Test Site (OGS), Svelvik CO2 Field Lab (SINTEF), MOBSEIS (TNO)
As CCUS developments around the North Sea (NS) region are relatively mature, CCUS ZEN will leverage these developments as best practice for the development of new CCUS value chains in the currently underdeveloped Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea regions. While CCUS value chains, i.e., the entire pathway from CO2 capture to transport to its eventual storage or utilization, can today be realized, the industry is still in its infancy and many issues must be addressed to achieve the rapid deployment required.
The consortium, consisting of 15 partners, including 2 associations with over 400 members in total, brings together entities with leading expertise on all aspects of CCUS value chains. 30 organisations, representing industry, RTOs, associations, clusters, ports and municipalities involved in the development and deployment of CCUS value chains, will contribute with their expertise as networking partners. ECCSEL ERIC is one of the networking partners in the CCUS ZEN project.
ECCSEL ERIC is a partner in the RISEnergy project running from 2024 - 2028. The EU project aims to push and interconnect renewable energy technologies. Access of researchers and companies to research infrastructures in European and non-European countries will be facilitated. The project coordinated by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) started on March 1, 2024. RISEnergy will be funded by the European Commission with about EUR 14.5 million for a duration of four and a half years.
KIT - KIT - Media - Press Releases - PI 2024 - RISEnergy: Pushing Innovations for Climate Neutrality
ECCSEL ERIC is a partner in the project with the ECCSEL partners SOTACARBO, BRGM and BGS